Weather & Emergency Policy

In the event of severe weather, power outages, or other emergency issues Driver Education the E-Z Way, Inc. and E-Z Way Driver Education, Inc. follow the host building guidelines. If in the event that the building is closed, E-Z Way will not hold classes. However, if there is a Behind the Wheel Drive (BTW) scheduled, and the BTW instructor feels that the roads are in safe conditions, he/she may choose to continue with the drive.

Please note that if at any time the student and/or parent does not feel comfortable driving with the instructor during bad weather conditions or continuing on with a scheduled class, he/she is not required to do so. However, if the student and/or parent chooses to do so, the student must make up the time that he or she missed. For a missed class, the student should contact the office and schedule a date and time where the class missed can be made up. If the student chooses not to drive with the instructor, he/she must contact the driving instructor prior to the scheduled drive time to arrange a new drive time or face the missed drive time fee.

Driver Education the E-Z Way, Inc and E-Z Way Driver Education, Inc. reserve the right to cancel a class or a driving lesson at any time for any reason. If this should happen, E-Z Way will reschedule the missed time for a future date that will accommodate the majority of the students.